Kuroi Hana

$2,368,814 Raised

The Crowdfunding Experts

Email Lead GenerationInformation

What You Can Expect During Email Lead Generation

Dedicated Support

We will build a landing page previewing your campaign to collect email addresses, then test multiple ads and audiences, segmented by age and gender, in interests relating to your project.

Regular Updates

It takes 24-48 hours to see results from an ad. We’ll check in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning to update you on the number of leads acquired, the landing page conversion rate, demographics and more.

Service from Beginning to End

Once your campaign is complete, we not only give you the list of leads generated from your campaign, but if it passes our testing period, we will email them on your behalf to drive them to your live campaign.

What We Need From You 

Content is king. Polished media assets are the best way to introduce your campaign to your potential backers. 

Quality photos, videos and GIF's are essential. These creative assets are used on your landing page, your campaign page and in your ads. Images that are polished and professional are fantastic for your landing page, while real, relatable content often works best for your ads. 

We've discovered people use social media to enjoy pictures and stories, not to see ads. Audiences may respond poorly to anything that they sense is an advertisement, yet respond well to images and videos their friends might share. 

Need help with your creative? Funded Today has you covered.


$155,712 Raised

In addition to great visuals, we need to know as much about your project as possible. If you've provided us with links to your Kickstarter preview page or taken on our onboarding survey, we will utilize information from these sources to create a landing page for you. 

You may wish to provide further information by accessing this brief survey. 

We Build Landing Pages That Gain Leads

Here are some of the landing pages we've built for our clients. We can't wait to get started on yours!

Pop N Go

Soto Massini

SOUL Solar Scroll




Blea E-Surfboard




Core 46


Your Email List Will Keep On Giving.

At the end of your Email Lead Generation campaign, we'll give you the list of leads generated from our efforts. 

Your new email list has many uses, from gaining new customers, informing them of your next projects, building a bigger marketing list and so much more. 

Keep this list in a safe space. Add your new contacts to an email database such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, Infusionsoft or others, and cultivate long-term relationships by keeping them updated on your progress, and informed about your products and services. 

Drink & Buddy

$94,765 Raised

Additional Pre-Launch Tips & Tricks

Here’s some generalized pre-launch advice which you may find helpful in maximizing your campaign’s post-launch success.

We want your campaign to be a success! These douments include helpful information about crowdfunding campaign presentation and promotion, your campaign launch day and so much more. 

What If My Campaign Doesn't Pass Email Lead Generation?

This is not an indication your live campaign won't be successful.

We've tested several ads and audiences but your cost per lead wasn't as low as we needed it to be. While this can seem discouraging, it's not at all a sign your campaign won't be successful, some campaigns simply perform better once your Kickstarter campaign is live and people can get all the info they need and make the pledge. 

For example, the Grypmat did not perform well with email lead generation but still went on to raise $113,433 from the other services we offer at Funded Today.


Over $113K Raised